Announcing the first SIX BOOKS in the Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries series!
Books 1 – 6 are available! Book 7 will be released in Fall 2025.
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Book 1 was Released on February 1, 2020:
In Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets, ancient Egypt envelops four modern-day teen detectives with mystery spinning to deadly danger involving at least one cunning thief and many venomous reptiles. Still, adults are counting on the squad to solve a treasure’s disappearance. An Egyptologist’s reputation is at stake—even if he is deceased. Are you brave enough to help? READ CHAPTER ONE HERE!
Book 2 was Released on October 20, 2020:
In Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse, join our four detectives for popcorn, a movie, hidden passages, and a cemetery as the squad attempts to decipher a puzzle poem to locate an enormous “cursed” emerald hidden somewhere on the huge, spooky de Cordoba estate seventy years ago. But beware of the competition! READ CHAPTER ONE HERE!
Book 3 was Released on October 7, 2021:
In Walnut Street: Phantom Rider, the detectives hunt for a long-lost gold mine and explore a snake-infested ghost town as they try to locate and unmask a threatening black-clad figure on horseback known as the Phantom Rider. Kids, saddle up, grab some apples, and help in the search! READ CHAPTER ONE HERE!
Book 4 was Released on September 20, 2022:
In Saffron Street: Island Danger, our heroes learn much about World War II, Japanese internment camps, pro surfing, and human rights as they head to Hawai’i to locate the Yamada family’s heirloom black pearl necklace, missing since the Pearl Harbor bombing in 1941. What awaits them in the sea caves? Surf’s up, so come to the island and find out! READ CHAPTER ONE HERE!
Book 5 was Released on September 26, 2023:
In Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, our awesome detectives stumble upon a creepy, present-day mystery wrapped around nineteenth-century Gothic horror writer Edgar Allan Poe. Can they decode the cryptic gravestone lettering and an image plus more puzzles? At stake: a man’s reputation and a priceless treasure! Come lend the squad a hand. WINNER of the 2024 Edgar Allan Poe Saturday “Visiter” Award in the “Original Work Inspired by Poe” Category! READ CHAPTER ONE HERE!
Book 6 was Released on September 8, 2024:
In Upas Street: Shocking Specter, our four savvy sleuths travel to Llanfair, a fictional Welsh village in California, to solve the mystery of the Shocking Specter, a green-glowing apparition roaming the countryside and setting fire to buildings and meadows in a case inspired by Universal Pictures classic horror movies of the 1930s and ’40s. Do you dare to enter Dr. Frankenstein’s la-BOR-uh-tree?! READ CHAPTER ONE HERE!
Book 7 will be Released in Fall 2025:
In Macadamia Street: Hidden Skeleton, our four heroes travel to Cornwall, England to ??? Come back in September or October and find out!
It’s time to rejoin your four heroes!