January 11, 2025

I was honored to be the “Gothic Guest” on Carmen Bouldin and Jeanie Smith’s podcast, POEcast, “Six Degrees of Poe,” where they discuss all things Edgar Allan Poe.

Their interview stemmed from my Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image winning the 2024 Saturday “Visiter” Award from Poe Baltimore last October.

You can watch the fun interview on SPOTIFY as well as YOUTUBE.

Carmen and Jeanie also featured me in their January Newsletter, “THE FAVORED RAVEN.”

Thank you both for these honors! I hope we can do it again sometime.

January 1, 2025





(Graphic by the author)

December 31, 2024

Happy New Year to each of you!

Thank you for following me, supporting my love of writing by purchasing, reading, and reviewing my books, and putting them into kids’ hands and hearts. I appreciate readers, teachers, librarians, parents, grandparents, all family members, and children everywhere.

The four Botanic Hill detectives and I wish each of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025 filled with love, memorable fun times, and marvelous books to read.

Onward we go!

(Graphic by the author)

December 8, 2024

Heads up, Readers! Mark your calendars now. Please join us in December.

Once again, I am participating in Facebook’s HUGE “Cozy Mystery Party” Holiday Author Takeover! Please join me for some Books 6 and 7 information and a giveaway on Sunday, December 8, from 5:00 to 5:30 pm, PT.

To participate, request to join this friendly group. To save time on event day, please join now. You can always unjoin.

Three of my fellow Blackbird Writers will also participate. I know they’d appreciate your joining them, too, on:

Sunday, December 8:  Christine DeSmet, 11:30 am to Noon, PT. And Saralyn Richard, 1:30 – 2:00 pm, PT.

Sunday, December 15:  Joy Ribar, 8:30 – 9:00 am, PT.

(Graphics by Cozy Mystery Party)

November 28, 2024

Especially today, I want to extend my wishes to each of you for a very Happy Thanksgiving!

I am grateful for you, for reading and recommending my books, posting reviews online, viewing my monthly newsletter, and entering my giveaway contests.

Readers and writers need each other. I appreciate you! Please know that you hold a special place in my heart.

(Photo by the author)


November 16, 2024

Hectic October had me making a joyous roundtrip from San Diego to Baltimore’s PoeFest awards ceremony for Book 5, Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image. Add in some interviews, virtual book tours to launch Book 6, Upas Street: Shocking Specter, a Facebook author takeover, a second book fair, and I was exhausted.

But hurray! It’s November. I’m home, enjoying my sunny bungalow and a saner pace in California. But wait . . .

Did I say “saner”? Wouldn’t you know it! Our four exuberant Botanic Hill detectives have been hounding me to begin writing Book 7, Macadamia Street: Hidden Skeleton. Of course, they know that since their adventures have a twist of history, I must research first. So, when I’m not walking, reading, working on this newsletter, or teaching the sleuths patience, I’m happily plunging down rabbit holes to dig out relevant information. This ensures that the new book is entertaining as well as authentic.

Pirates, skeletons, the English peerage system, mystery author Daphne du Maurier, and life in Cornwall, England, are just a few of my current research pursuits. My learning escalates from these delightful excursions. So, here’s one of my writer’s secrets, revealed to you, my dear readers: The more I research, the more the book’s potential plot points and characters start dancing before my eyes! Yes, that’s happening now.

Research is an exciting and necessary phase in my writing process. I hope you will agree once Macadamia Street: Hidden Skeleton arrives next fall.

(Photo Credits: Anna Shvets and Anthony on pexels.com)

October 26 and 27, 2024

Please join my fellow Blackbird Writers and me for our Annual Halloween Book Sale and Giveaway! This year’s sale includes discounted or FREE books from nearly all of us. The graphic shows just a few. SHOP THE SALE HERE!

Here is a little history about the group from author and founder Tracey S. Phillips:

“Blackbird Writers flocked together in the early days of the pandemic. While the world was in lockdown, Blackbirds wanted to give something to the community. A group of authors reduced their book prices, gave books away, and Blackbird Writers took flight. Now with twenty five members, Blackbird Writers has almost 150 Mystery books in the bookstore.”

I am so proud to be a member of the talented Blackbird Writers flock!

And don’t forget to enter to win one or more of our six Trick-or-Treat Baskets of Books: Police Procedurals, Romantic Suspense, Audiobooks, Cozy Mysteries, General Mysteries, and Thrillers! No purchase is necessary to enter. On October 26 or 27, go to BlackbirdWriters.com to shop and enter the contests.

My Book 5, Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, and Book 6, Upas Street: Shocking Specter, will be up for grabs in the “Cozy Mystery” basket. Here is a DIRECT LINK to enter for this basket.

Please click HERE to shop for and enter to win some spine-tingling mysteries. You’ll be all set for Spooky Fall. Why not pick up some BBWs’ merch, too!

Come join in the fun to discover some new-to-you authors or get reacquainted with those you already love.

(Graphics by Blackbird Writers)

October 26, 2024

Please come shop early for the approaching Fall and Winter holidays!

If you live in San Diego County or nearby, please join me at the 2024 North Park Book Fair, beginning at 10:00 on Saturday, October 26. Booths will be near 30th Street and North Park Way in the shopping district.

I will sell all six of my Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries books for $15 each at my  booth. Included in that price will be sales tax, a book, signing, personalizing, a cute bag, and a swag bag.

There will be MANY book, craft, and food vendors plus live music, so come for the fun and surprises.

And look for the pumpkin cut-outs on booths where kids can trick-or-treat for candy–MINE included! I will be wearing my PoeFest Gothic outfit and hat.

Shop, eat, dance, and check off those gift needs at the fair. Hope to see you there!

(Graphic by Verbatim Books)

October 16, 2024

I had a wonderful time doing a one-hour Author Takeover on Facebook’s “Cozy Mystery Party” group today!

Since I chose to focus on my spookiest Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries, participants learned about my Book 3, Walnut Street: Phantom Rider, Book 5, Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, and Book 6, Upas Street: Shocking Specter.

I held three giveaways for commenters to win one of each of those three books and its matching bookmark.

Thank you site host Heather Doyle Harrisson, other site administrators, and the many participants who added so much fun to the event!

I will return for the CMP December Holiday Author Takeover Marathon. My thirty-minute time slot is on Sunday, December 8, 2024, from 5:00 – 5:30 p.m., Pacific. Please mark your calendars now for fun and giveaways.

(Graphics by Cozy Mystery Party and the author)

October 15 – 29, 2024

Today begins the BOOK TOUR and GIVEAWAY for my newly released Book 6, Upas Street: Shocking Specter. The event will run through October 29.

Hosted by Maia Gomez of Silver Dagger Book Tours, who has done some beautiful work for this event, it promises to be a fun and informative!

If you would like to participate, Maia has published the DAILY SCHEDULE. I will try to check in daily. Please feel free to join in the fun, learn more about my books and me, and post comments. The bloggers would appreciate it, too.


(Graphics by Silver Dagger Book Tours)


October 11, 2024

Today, fellow Blackbird Writer Valerie Biel hosted me on her blog, “Strange but True: Tales from Authors” series; the segment is “Reading, Writing, and Roaming with Sherrill Joseph.” I discussed some strange things I’ve done as a writer to connect with celebrities for the sake of my books. Read what we had to say HERE.

(Graphic by Valerie Biel)

October 10, 2024

Today, I was interviewed by fellow Blackbird Writer Sharon Lynn.

We had so much fun talking for a scant twenty-five minutes about Upas Street: Shocking Specter, Boris Karloff, the Frankenstein movie franchise, and many things old Hollywood.

You can watch it by clicking on YouTube. Enjoy!


(Book Cover by Ebook Launch. Monster image from the public domain.)

October 4 – 6, 2024

I just had the best weekend of my life with my daughter at PoeFest International, sponsored by Poe Baltimore!

On FRIDAY evening, we attended a reception marking the 75th Anniversary of Poe House and Museum, and the 175th Anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe’s death. The heavy hors d’oeuvres were elegant and tasty. Then came a tribute to actor Vincent Price and director Roger Corman with two panel discussions: first, “Meet the Filmmakers,” with special guest authors Michael Connelly and Mark Dawidziak, and documentarian Jeff Pollack. Victoria Price, daughter of horror actor Vincent Price, followed with “The Price Legacy,” revealing fascinating tidbits about her father and the late Roger Corman, who directed him in many movies. But there was more! We watched Corman’s entire film, his adaptation of Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death, starring Vincent Price, in all its gory colors

SATURDAY morning saw us setting up my vendor table early at the festival grounds and having a blast selling many copies of my Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image well into the afternoon! My daughter was a wonderful “front woman,” capturing and holding buyers. Too tired to move, we packed up somehow and headed to the hotel to get decked out in our Gothic ensembles for the evening’s activities.

We rejoined our new friend, author, and nominee Steve Boilard (A Dying Wish), who fortuitously shared a vendor table with me earlier in the day. What an intelligent, funny, delightful man who enriched our weekend! The delicious Gala Dinner featured recipes from Vincent Price’s award-winning cookbook. Then came the Black Cat Ball with music, dancing, and the Edgar Allan Poe Saturday “Visiter” Awards (SVA) ceremony.

And would you believe it? Jacaranda Street and two other nominees took home a medal and framed SVA certificate in the “Inspired by Poe’s Life or Works” category! Three others won the same prizes in the “Adaptation of a Work of Poe” category. Tears welled as I accepted my award and realized how affirming that honor was: Poe-expert judges felt we six had done our due diligence by Poe in our research and writing. What an amazing feeling and inspiration for me to keep writing. My congratulations to all the winners! You can watch the 42-minute PoeFest YouTube Video of the six winners HERE by fast-forwarding to the time 34:36 for just the winners, including me.

Across the courtyard in the Carroll Mansion, we visited the Poe Death Exhibit and ran into Victoria Price, who graciously posed for photos with Steve and me.

On SUNDAY, we returned to the PoeFest grounds as shoppers, picking up some needed Poe items and T-shirts. Before driving home to my daughter’s in Virginia, we toured the tiny Poe House and Museum and paid tribute to the master at his gravesite at Westminster Hall and Burying Grounds. The cemetery is a Who’s Who of Baltimore history.

Many thanks to Enrica Jang, Executive Director of Poe Baltimore and SVA Administrator; and Hurst Hessey, President, Poe Baltimore Board. Every aspect of the weekend was well planned and executed.

If you’re a Poe fan, I couldn’t recommend PoeFest more. I hope to see you there next October!

(Photos by the author and her daughter)

September 25, 2024

Remember our friend Oliver J. of San Diego, California? He’s back, having read another one of the Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries. Yay, Oliver!

Exactly six months ago, on March 25, Oliver shared about reading my Book 1, Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets, for his third-grade cereal box book report. Thanks again, Oliver!

This time, now fourth-grader Oliver has read Book 2, Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse, to earn his “Scout Life Say Yes to Reading Badge.” Congratulations, and thank you for choosing another one of my books for your projects. Looking good!

Here is what Oliver said about the book: “I like how the kid detectives use teamwork to solve the mystery, and I also liked learning about emeralds and other gems in the back of the book!” Thanks for reminding readers always to check out a book’s back matter.

Keep reading, Oliver. Reading makes you smarter! And please keep those reading progress reports coming in.

KIDS, if you would like me to feature you in this newsletter as I did for Oliver, please send a photo of yourself holding my book and a quote about something you liked about the book. Email the items to me at kidsauthor@sherrilljoseph.com. Thank you!

(Photo Credit: Oliver’s mom)

September 24, 2024

Just in time for Halloween or Spooky Fall!

Upas Street: Shocking Specter, Book 6 in The Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries series, RELEASED TODAY in paperback and Ebook–one week early!

Thank you to all who made this book possible, including my editor, cover designers, formatter, praise-quoters, and reader-reviewers. It takes a talented team to build a book! I had so much fun spinning a mystery around one of my favorite Universal Pictures classic 1931 horror movies, Frankenstein.

Here is the official, shortened BOOK BLURB:

Do you dare enter Dr. Frankenstein’s la-BOR-uh-tree? 

Teen sleuths track the glowing Shocking Specter in the countryside where Universal Pictures filmed1931’s Frankenstein. Is it the spirit of Scotty Roberts, an electrocuted movie stagehand? Nearly 100 years later, the specter is back!

Dear Readers, you can purchase Upas Street online from any bookstore on Earth via my website’s BOOKS page. Or copy and paste this secure link into your browser: <https://sherrilljoseph.com/books>. Scroll to the bottom of that page for links to all your favorite bookstores.

You can read CHAPTER ONE by clicking HERE. You will be taken to my secure website for reading. Or copy and paste this secure link into your browser: <https://sherrilljoseph.com/6-upas-street-chapter-one>

It isn’t too soon to start holiday shopping for your adorable Middle Grader! Don’t you think that all six books would make a great gift? If you purchase the entire set, please email me your photo of the six books together to kidsauthor@sherrilljoseph.com, and I will send you FREE matching bookmarks and stickers, one set per book!

I hope you enjoy our savvy detectives’ sixth case! Please tell your friends, teachers, and librarians. Watch for Book 7 next Fall.

Thank you! Happy reading! Happy Spooky Fall! Happy Halloween!

My October Events

  • October 4 to 6–PoeFest International, Baltimore. I will be in Maryland for the Edgar Allan Poe Saturday “Visiter” Awards ceremony, selling Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image near the Poe House, attending the Black Cat Ball, and other spooky activities.
  • October 10–Author Sharon Lynn’s interview of me for Blackbird Writers will be posted. My feature will pop up at the top on these links that day: SUBSTACK, YOUTUBE, and the BLACKBIRD WRITERS’ WEBSITE.
  • October 11–I will be featured on Author Valerie Biel’s blog, “Strange but True: Tales from Authors” series; the segment is “Reading, Writing, and Roaming with Sherrill Joseph.” See the link in my Events section that day.
  • October 15 to 29–My two-week online book tour for Upas Street will be underway, hosted by Silver Dagger Book Tours. The book will be splashed across social media.
  • October 16, 5 to 6 pm, Pacific–Please join my Author Takeover with giveaways on Facebook’s Cozy Mystery Party site. JOIN ahead of time to access. Or go to <https://www.facebook.com/groups/cozymysteryparty> to join.
  • October 26, 10 am, Pacific–I will sell my books at the indie bookstore Verbatim Books’ “North Party Book Fair,” an outdoor event at 30th and North Park Way in San Diego, CA. Please come say hi. Buy books. Get Halloween candy!
  • October 26 & 27–I will have two books in the Blackbird Writers Halloween Book Giveaway in the Cozy Mystery Basket–Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, and Upas Street: Shocking Specter. Be sure to also check out the Flash Sale featuring books by my amazing Flock. Go to https://blackbirdwriters that weekend for the sale and basket giveaways.

(Ads by Sherrill Joseph)









August 31, 2024

Drum roll, please! . . . As promised:

Announcing the COVER REVEAL for Upas Street: Shocking Specter, Book 6 in The Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries series!

I am so pleased that Dane, Alisha, and the team at Ebook Launch created this beautiful cover just as I envisioned it for my latest book.

Get ready for Book 6 to launch on October 1, 2024.

Here is its BOOK BLURB:

Do you dare enter Dr. Frankenstein’s la-BOR-uh-tree? 

A fearless quartet of teen sleuths, the Botanic Hill detectives, travel to Llanfair, a fictitious Welsh village in present-day California, to solve the mystery of the Shocking Specter. The green-glowing apparition reportedly roams the countryside, setting fire to buildings and meadows during the new moon. The occurrences began shortly after a motion picture stagehand Scotty Roberts’s accidental death by electrocution in this case inspired by the filming of Universal Pictures’ 1931 classic horror movie Frankenstein. Supernatural? Coincidence? Or is criminal activity at work? And why, nearly a century later, has the Shocking Specter returned? Readers will enjoy learning about real-life horror film star Boris Karloff, Frankenstein author Mary Shelley, other key players in the movie’s production, and some early Hollywood cinematic history. Our fabulous four might need to kick some monsters to the curb to solve this challenging mystery!

But why wait for launch day? Read CHAPTER ONE now by please clicking HERE. You will be taken to my secure website for reading! (Or go to <https://sherrilljoseph.com/6-upas-street-chapter-one>.)

And please watch for the book to be published SOON! Thank you.

August 7, 2024

I am thrilled to announce that my Book 5, Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, has made the final cut for the 2024 Edgar Allan Poe “Saturday Visiter” Awards (SVA) in the “Original Works” category!

Thank you to the judges and Poe Baltimore for this honor. Congratulations and best wishes to all the nominees.

My daughter and I are happy to be attending the ceremonies in Maryland.

If you will be there, too, I would love to meet you! The Poe House street festival is free to the public. I will be in the Vendors’ area by Poe House.

Poe Baltimore has announced:

   And The Nominees Are…

Judges for the 2024 Saturday ‘Visiter’ Awards have completed the first and second rounds of deliberations and the final slate of nominees in two categories are announced today. Judges determine the winners in a third and final round, culminating in an awards ceremony during the International Edgar Allan Poe Festival & Awards in Baltimore, MD, October 4 – 6, 2024. The events are hosted by Poe Baltimore/ The Edgar Allan Poe House & Museum.

The committee received “dozens of entries from extraordinary creators around the world,” celebrating the works and legacy of Edgar Allan Poe. More details about these works and the creators will be revealed as the date for the awards approaches. Congratulations to all the nominees!

“Adaptations of E.A. Poe’s Life or Works” Category

  • POE: Ghastly Vignettes, by Robert Jiménez
  • Mr. Poe, Memory and Nightmares, by Neil H. Warren
  • Nevermore, by Clover High School Indoor Drumline
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s 12 Days of Christmas, by Holly Michele
  • The Souls Close to Edgar Allan Poe: GRAVES OF HIS FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FOES, by Sharon Pajka
  • Somniat in Morte (Dreams in Death), by Wayne O’Broin
  • Edgar in the Red Room, by Matt Chiorini and Greg Giovanini
  • Love Sick, by J. Sibley Law

“Original Works Inspired by E.A. Poe’s Life and Writing” Category

  • Night Walkers, by A.A. Rubin
  • Dying Wish, by Steve D. Boilard
  • The Dark Side of Benjamin Grime, by Peter James Billing
  • The Nameless and the Faceless of the Civil War Gettysburg, Manassas & More, by Lisa G. Samia
  • The Maddening, by Paul Thaler
  • What Happened Was Impossible, by E.F. Schraeder
  • The Raving: A Visit from Old Nick, by Richard Collins Davis
  • Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image (Book 5 in The Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries series), by Sherrill Joseph

Official Winners for the Saturday ‘Visiter’ Awards will be revealed, and prize medals presented, at The Black Cat Ball & Poe House 75th Anniversary Diamond Gala, the Official Party of the International Edgar Allan Poe Festival & Awards, October 5, 2024.

“The Saturday ‘Visiter’ Awards are an honor presented by Poe Baltimore, recognizing Edgar Allan Poe’s continuing legacy in the arts and literature around the world. The prizes honor media, art, performance and writing that adapts or is inspired by Poe’s life and works. Eligible works are not restricted by medium or genre. The awards are named for the Baltimore publication, The Saturday Visiter, that awarded young Poe a prize for writing which launched the famed writer’s career.” (Text by Poe Baltimore)


My Itinerary: My daughter and I are excited to attend the International Poe Festival and Awards Ceremony and other weekend events to include:

  • VIP Reception & Movie Night (The Masque of the Red Death starring Vincent Price) at the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center (Friday, October 4, 6 PM); special guest is the actor’s daughter Victoria Price
  • I will be selling and showcasing Jacaranda Street at a Vendor Table at the Poe House street festival for attendees (Saturday, October 5, beginning at 9 AM). If you’re attending the festival, please find my table and me and introduce yourself!
  • Diamond Gala Reception and Vincent Price-themed wine Dinner with some of the actor’s favorite recipes; special guest Victoria Price (Saturday, October 5, 6 PM)
  • Awards Ceremony and Dance Party at The Black Cat Ball, where the final SVA winners will be revealed (Saturday, October 5, 8 PM)
  • Cognac Toast to Edgar Allan Poe
  • Visit to Private Viewing & Reception including the “Poe Death Exhibit” at Carroll Mansion
  • Poe House and Museum Tour (Sunday, October 6, 11 AM)
  • Poe Burial Grounds and Exhibit Hall (Sunday, October 6, 1 PM)

I’m getting my Gothic ensembles ready. Can’t wait. This is so exciting. I hope to meet you there!

(Images Credit: Poe Baltimore)


July 16, 2024

Thought you’d like an update:

Today, I emailed the revised and formatted PDF for The Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries Book 6, Upas Street: Shocking Specter, to my Praise-Quote Providers and Reader-Reviewers! This is an exciting and necessary milestone for delivering an attractive, high-quality book into the hands and hearts of my readers this fall.

As I previously mentioned, I never tire of getting back the formatted Word Doc and PDF copies. Seeing my creation for the first time as readers will is always a thrill. The book is due for release on October 1. I hope you are looking forward to reading it soon–if you dare enter Dr. Frankenstein’s la-BOR-uh-tree!

A reminder and an invitation: 

I have contracted with Silver Dagger Book Tours for October 15-29. This is a virtual event where bloggers spread the word about Upas Street: Shocking Specter to their readers during those two weeks.

Owner, Maia Gomez, asked me to invite others, so if you have a FaceBook page, are a blogger, or a Bookstagrammer, and would like to participate in the tour, here is the SIGN-UP LINK. Participants get to read my Book 6 for free. And I am holding a Giveaway during the Tour for a free, signed and personalized paperback copy of the book and a matching bookmark. (USA only)

I hope you’ll join the fun while helping the other Tour participants and me spread the word about the newest edition to the series! Thanks in advance.

And Finally . . . Drum Roll:  Book 6’s Cover Reveal will happen in the August 31 newsletter and in the Events section of my website! Check it out next month.

(Image Credit: Frankenstein image from commons.wikimedia.org; public domain)

July 1, 2024

I love hearing from my readers, especially the kids.

So, imagine my delight when today, the Mom of “J” from Wisconsin sent me his photo holding my book, Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets!

This happy ten-year-old boy, who will be a fifth grader in the fall, is reading the entire Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries series this summer. Bravo, “J”!

Here is what he said about Book 1: “A gripping mystery that will absorb you in the first chapter.”

Thanks so much, “J,” and your parents for buying the books for you. Summer reading is so important, and I’m glad you’ve chosen my series as part of your reading. Please watch your postal mail for some matching book swag and signed bookplates for all five books.

So, other readers, if you’d like to order my books from your favorite bookstore for your special summer readers, please click HERE, or paste my website’s book page into your browser: https://sherrilljoseph.com/books.

And kids, if you’d like to be featured like “J,” please email me your first name, state of residence, age/grade, a quote about the book, and a photo of you holding my book that you read. Email everything to me at kidsauthor@gmail.com.

Thank you and happy reading!

(Photo by “J’s” mom)


June 10, 2024


Exciting news!

Today, the Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries Book 6, Upas Street: Shocking Specter, went to the formatter!

I never tire of getting back the formatted Word Doc and PDF copies, which will happen soon. Seeing my creation for the first time as readers will is always a thrill. The book is due for release on October 1. I hope you are looking forward to reading it finally, come this fall–if you dare enter Dr. Frankenstein’s la-BOR-uh-tree!

In addition, I have contracted with Silver Dagger Book Tours for October 15-29. This is a virtual event where bloggers spread the word about Upas Street: Shocking Specter to their readers for those two weeks.

Owner, Maia Gomez, asked me to invite others, so if you have a FaceBook page, are a blogger, or a Bookstagrammer, and would like to participate in the tour, here is the SIGN-UP LINK. Participants get to read my Book 6 for free. And I am holding a Giveaway during the Tour for a free, signed and personalized paperback copy of the book and a matching bookmark.

I hope you’ll join the fun while helping the other Tour participants and me spread the word about the newest edition to the series! Thanks in advance.

(Photo and Image Credits: Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, and Castle images from commons.wikimedia.org and are public domain; lightning photo from Melody on unsplash.com)

May 7, 2024

What a delightful afternoon today spent with fourteen fourth graders at St. Katharine Drexel Academy in San Diego, CA!

Thank you, students and teacher Mrs. Kim Kramer, for inviting me for an author visit following your reading my Book 1, Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets, together.

I talked about how I became a writer, what did and continues to inspire me, and my process to produce a book a year. I also conducted a “pop quiz” on the book with the students demonstrating how well they comprehended the story.

Once again, kids amaze me, this time with their continuing “thick” questions about the characters, plot, and my writing process. And as usual, today there were lots of questions about my “superpower,” lexical-gustatory synesthesia!

At the end of my visit, they presented me with the gift of a travel cup with the school’s logo!

The world is in good hands with these students. Thanks again, all of you, for inviting me.

April 16, 2024

I was blessed with another school author visit, this time in person at Holmes Elementary School in San Diego, CA.

You may remember Oliver J. from last month’s Events. He read my Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets and did his cereal box book report on it.

I had so much fun meeting him, his second- and third-grade classmates, their teacher, Ms. Pope, and seeing their cereal box book reports up close!

The students were so bright and did their part to complete a “create a detective” activity I led. I couldn’t stump them with my riddles, and they asked advanced questions.

I received lovely thank-you letters from the students! They displayed many language arts skills, and the kids’ gratitude was heartwarming. There are certainly current and future authors in this class!

What a successful, fun hour! Thanks, Oliver’s mom for facilitating this visit, Ms. Pope for inviting me, Oliver for reading my book and choosing to use it for your book report, and all your classmates. Keep reading, everyone!

(Photos by Ms. Pope and the Author)










April 9, 2024

I was thrilled today to return to the fifth-grade classroom of one of my biggest teacher fans, Ms. Alfano from Shoemaker Elementary School in Macungie, PA. This was my fourth virtual school author visit in three years to her room!

What a smart group of students. They had read my Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, and had lots of excellent questions for me. We also talked about my character Rani Kumar’s and my mental superpower, lexical-gustatory synesthesia. I had sent their teacher a list of what their names made Rani and me taste or smell.

You might remember the girl standing at the screen, asking me a question. It’s Elise from a previous Event post where she was holding one of my books.

I received some lovely gifts from the teacher and students: a beautiful author nameplate, a sweet note, and an adorable Get a Clue bag. So thoughtful!

Thank you to Ms. Alfano, her teaching partner Ms. Beky, and all their amazing students! I had a wonderful time. I think all of them did, too.

(Photos by Ms. Beky and the Author)















March 26, 2024

Good news! I have the honor of doing an Author Takeover on Facebook’s “Cozy Mystery Party” site on Tuesday, March 26.

Please tune in at 5 p.m., PT, for this fun, fast-paced question-and-answer format event! I will be talking about my Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries, Books 1-5, and introducing Book 6, which releases this fall.

To participate, you must first request to join HERE. It’s easy, and you’ll enjoy this friendly group of cozy mystery writers and readers!

Thanks, Heather Doyle Harrisson, site admin, for the invitation and the graphic.

I hope you see all of you there!

March 25, 2024

A round of applause for “Oliver J.,” third grader at Holmes Elementary School in San Diego, California!

Oliver’s mother informed me that Oliver not only read my Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets, but used it to inspire his cereal-box book report!

Awesome, Oliver! And I look forward to meeting you and your classmates at your school during my author visit on April 16.

Thanks so much, Oliver and his mom, and keep on reading!

(Photo by Oliver’s Mom)

March 3 through 9, 2024

Ebook readers, here comes Smashwords.com’s  “Read an Ebook Week Sale,” from March 3 through 9.

All five of my Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries ebooks will be on sale for 75% off for that week!

You can purchase my Books 1, 2, and 3 for only $1.00 each; Book 4 for only $1.25; and, Book 5 for only $1.50 by clicking HERE starting March 3. Look for the Sale. Then, click on “Children’s Books” under the “Fiction” category. My books will be in the 75% off section.

Here’s your chance to get caught up with the detectives before Book 6 launches this coming fall. Thank you!

(Graphic Credit: smashwords.com)

February 7 and 9, 2024


Thank you, Ms. Mary Kaplan, Ms. Hannah Wang, and your third graders at Oak View Elementary School in Silver Spring, Maryland; and, Ms. Becky Swanson, Ms. Buka Akiti, and your fifth graders at Prospect School in Clarendon Hills, Illinois, for inviting me into your media centers to read to the students for World Read Aloud Day (WRAD)!

I enjoyed meeting the students, reading aloud from my Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries series, and answering the kids’ questions.

I hope to see you again next year for WRAD. And you other educators and students, too!

(Graphics Credits:  Books Ad by Sherrill Joseph. WRAD Ad by litworld.org)

January 26, 2024


Please meet my newest fan, vivacious fifth grader Elise D., from an elementary school in Pennsylvania. Welcome, Elise!

Elise’s teacher, Ms. Stacy Alfano, took this fabulous photo in their classroom of Elise holding my Book 5, Jacaranda Street: Gravestone Image, that she had finished reading.

Here is what Elise said about Jacaranda Street: “I loved the cliffhangers, and it made me want to read past my bedtime! The storyline is great, and kids will enjoy reading about other kids who are detectives!”

Thanks so much, Elise, for your kind words. And I love your smile! Perhaps it means that you plan to read more of my books??? I know Ms. Alfano is going to read Book 5 aloud to the Students soon. (Book 6 releases in Fall 2024.)

Thank you so much, Ms. Alfano, Elise, and Students. Keep reading, writing, and smiling! I hope to see you SOON for a virtual author visit.

All kids and educators, I encourage you to subscribe to this newsletter so you can keep updated on the detectives’ and my shenanigans. To do so, please click HERE, or copy and paste the address into your browser: https://sherrilljoseph.com/newsletter.

***And kids, do YOU want to appear in my newsletter as Elise did? Please talk to an adult. Ask them politely to email me a photo of you holding one of my books and the information you would like to share about it to   mysteryshewrote7@gmail.com.  Thanks!


Save the Date! February 7, 2024. Sign Up NOW!

Librarians, Teachers, and those who love them,

I am excited to announce that I will be participating for the first time in the upcoming World Read Aloud Day on February 7, 2024.

If you are a librarian, or a teacher in grades 3, 4, or 5, participating in WRAD, I would love to visit virtually that day to meet your students and read aloud from one of my Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries!

If you need official information about WRAD 2024, please click HERE, or go to the organizer’s site at https://www.litworld.org/worldreadaloudday.

Would you like to register to participate in WRAD 2024? Please click HERE.

Then, download the twenty-six page classroom ACTIVITY PACKET, loaded with lessons and crafts to help you and your students prepare and participate fully in the big event!

Finally, interested in scheduling me for WRAD 2024? Please contact meHERE to book your classroom’s slot for my virtual visit. Note: Please provide me with your grade level, the time of day, including your location and TIME ZONE, and the duration of my visit (15 minutes?) that you are requesting. I will get back to you ASAP! (I am in Southern California in the Pacific Time Zone.)

Here are some research-based important reasons (explained on page 1 of the WRAD Activity Packet) out of the University of Melbourne to read aloud to children:

  • Reading Aloud at home and at school is one of the best ways to help children develop literacy skills.
  • Reading Aloud helps us share stories.
  • Reading Aloud helps us build community.

So, won’t you please help fill up my calendar? I hope to spend WRAD, February 7, 2024, visiting classrooms around the world! And please tag the event on Social Media with hashtag #WorldReadAloudDay.

(Graphic by Sherrill Joseph)