Dear Readers,
It’s September–that time of year when my mind naturally wanders to BB&B. No, not “Bed, Bath, & Beyond”! And also not “Better Bed and Breakfast.”
I’m talking, of course, about Bulletin Boards and Books.
Regarding the first two Bs: Every September since I retired from teaching in 2013, I reflect on how as an educator, I would be proudly gazing right about now at my newly created classroom Bulletin Boards. I hoped they would be welcoming for my new crop of students and give them a hint as to what my literacy class would involve. For example, one of my favorites was “The Six + One Traits for Great Writing” from Ruth Culham’s model. I taught kids the seven traits all year, and we watched those tools help us improve our fiction and nonfiction prose and poetry. I would post the students’ final drafts on that board, invite the principal and parents in, and serve cookies or brownies for our Publishing Party. I got lots of writing practice, too, because I would always do the same project along with the kids. (They loved hearing about–and seeing–my ups and downs as a writer!)
Now, to the third B: No more bulletin boards these days, for better or for worse. In my new profession as an author, my mind has shifted to Books, especially those I’m writing. I’m proud to have finished three so far! Work on the fourth, however, in my Botanic Hill Detectives Mysteries has gotten shoved to the back burner since my energies must currently be focused on getting Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets into readers’ hands and hearts by February 1, 2020.
So get a clue, Readers. Watch for books in my series to appear slowly but surely. As to bulletin boards, hmmm . . . I wonder what I could put up as a backdrop for those upcoming book signings?