Dear Kids and All Readers,
As I promised, leading up to the October 20 launch of Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse, here are the next two chapters, excerpted.
So, get a clue, Readers. I hope you enjoy this week’s sneak-peek!
From Chapter 3, “Mysterious Footsteps”
After Lorenzo’s letter is read, the group hears mysterious footsteps coming from the room above. They decide to investigate:
Lexi led the charge into the entryway and toward the grand staircase that curved up the walls. Rani hiked up her sari and soon overtook her friend. The others bolted up the stairs silently two at a time, not even bothering to hold onto the wrought iron banister. They were on the second floor in a flash to find the source of the eerie footsteps. . . .
The two girls were the first to burst into the lavender-scented room. . . . On first inspection, no intruder was to be seen.
The kids quickly and fearlessly fanned out with Isabela’s nodded permission, searching the large walk-in closet, master bathroom, mirrored dressing room, even under the king-sized bed and behind the heavy brocade window curtains.
From Chapter 4, “The Puzzle Poem”
Isabela has read the detectives the Puzzle Poem (a kind of treasure map in six poetic stanzas from Lorenzo with supposed clues to the whereabouts of the emerald). After discussing it, everyone is tired and heads to bed:
The kids quickly chose their two rooms, goodnights were said all around, and lights were turned out. Soon, everyone settled down to a long sleep with the wind and the rain still hammering outside.
That is, until the crash at four a.m.