Dear Botanic Hill Detectives Fans,
We are getting closer to the launch of Book 2, Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse, on October 20.
I am continuing the excerpts, in chapter order, for you.
So, get a clue, Readers. I hope you enjoy these tidbits!
From Chapter 7, “Casita, Cathedral, and Cemetery”
Isabela and the four detectives continue on to the western edge of the grounds and arrive at a cathedral and its churchyard:
“This brings us to the churchyard of St. Barnabas Cathedral,” Isabela said. . . .
The building was mammoth and a stunning replica of European Gothic architecture. Ivy growing profusely on some of its pointed exterior arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses indicated the building had been part of the community for many years. Circular rose windows and tall lancet-shaped stained-glass windows dominated the beige stucco walls every few feet. For now, the kids could only imagine how beautiful the interior must look when sunlight permeated the colorful glass mosaics.
After staring up at the building for a full minute, Moki felt dizzy and shook his head. “So, what kinds of things are planted in a churchyard?” he asked casually.
“Dead bodies, old buddy,” Lanny replied, not missing a beat.
From Chapter 8, “Mud and More Paper”
Isabela and the detectives discuss theories about the case over breakfast:
“I still think Big Foot has a secret way in and out of the house,” Lexi said, “and not by the usual windows or doors.” . . .
“Lexi makes sense,” Moki said. He winked at Lexi as he reached for more bacon. “Bigfoot maybe came in by a longer route. That let his or her feet dry off, and the mud get scraped off first.”
Isabela paused, held her coffee cup in midair, and said, “Yes. And remember I mentioned that no alarms have been triggered, yet an intruder seems to gain access to my home? Hmm . . . sounds to me like this old house might have some secret passageways or hidden rooms! What do you kids think?”