Dear Readers, more excerpts for you from Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse!
So get a clue: Watch for my Botanic Hill Detectives Book 2 to launch on October 20, 2020.
From Chapter 15, “The Secret Room”
A major discovery has been made, thanks to the group’s hard work deciphering Stanza 3 of the Puzzle Poem. Lanny says:
“ . . . this new discovery seems to show that we are definitely on a treasure hunt all over the estate. But we’ve done a lot of work today, and dinner will be ready soon. I suspect Ms. de Cordoba will want us to wait until tomorrow morning to tackle the fourth stanza and to continue to explore the passages.”
“Well, if we have to wait . . .” Lexi said.
But Lanny hadn’t really convinced himself about delaying, not even for dinner.
From Chapter 16, “Exploring in the Dark”
Lanny is awakened at four a.m. by the sound of footsteps coming from the room overhead. He and Moki head to the third floor to explore:
Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Lanny pointed to the door of the suspected room and flashed Moki an A-OK sign. They turned off their flashlights, noticing the room’s door was slightly ajar, and listened for any sounds. Nothing but the mournful “who-who” sound of the resident barn owl in the old magnolia tree outside. They waited two more minutes, shivering and wishing they hadn’t forgotten their bathrobes and slippers. Still no sounds came from the room. Even the owl became silent. Moki felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
Finally, Lanny pushed the door open slightly and slipped into the room. Moki followed.