Dear Readers, I’m almost out of excerpts, which can only mean one thing: We’re approaching Book Launch Time!
Watch for Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse to release on Amazon in paperback and eBook on October 20, 2020.
From Chapter 21, “Glittering Exposé”
The four detectives are suspicious of Madame Ronescu and decide to test her. They knock on the casita door:
“What do you want?” [Madame Ronescu] asked with a scowl and thick Romanian accent while blocking the kids’ view into the house.
With a bright smile, Rani said, “Madame Ronescu, bună dimineaţa. Eşti o vrăjitoare.”
“Huh?” she replied after a momentary pause. Her face had clearly paled.
Rani repeated the phrase.
“Oh, uh, I speak only English in America,” Madame Ronescu said. “I ask you again. What do you want?”
“We just wanted to bring you these pears from Ms. de Cordoba’s garden.” Rani pushed a small paper bag of fruit into Madame Ronescu’s gloved hands. “Have a nice day.”
The kids turned away before she could reply and strolled back toward the garden near where they had been hiding. After getting some distance away, Lexi said, “Rani, you were incredible. We now know at least one person is still inside. But what did you say to her?”
Rani giggled. “I said, ‘Good morning. You are a witch,’ in Romany.”
From Chapter 22, “Clues from Old Hollywood”
The group takes a break from the Puzzle Poem to focus on another clue—a silent movie starring Isabela and Tomás’s great-grandparents. Lanny has a surprising announcement as the movie ends:
Isabela led the group to what she called the movie room. The kids couldn’t believe what they were seeing. It was actually an old gilded theatre with scents of popcorn and candy lingering from bygone days. In no time, the group, including Oso, was gathered in front of the theatre-sized screen. Everyone settled into a plush velvet seat, and the lights faded to blackness.
Lanny barely ate any of the buttery snack, mesmerized by the film. There was Alondra in the wedding gown . . . . And Lorenzo appeared in a tuxedo . . . . Isabela and Tomás exchanged many smiles as they watched their great-grandparents’ performances. An hour passed. No clue.
Or so they thought.
Immediately as the movie ended, Lanny jumped to his feet and snapped his fingers.
“Guys, I know where the emerald is!”