Hi, Kids and All,
As promised, the Book 3 excerpts continue as we anticipate the November 9 release of Walnut Street: Phantom Rider.
I hope you saw the book’s cover reveal last week. In case not, I’ve included it below.
From Chapter 9, “An Aunt and an Uncle”
During dinner, everyone discusses getting some kitchen help quickly for injured Aunt Maisie.
“I better be up and about by morning, or there won’t be any breakfast,” Aunt Maisie said shaking her head. She stared at the plate of food she’d hardly touched.
Mrs. Mayfield replied, “Oh no you don’t. Walk on that foot too soon, and no dancing for you come party time Saturday night. We’ll just all get up earlier and pitch in.” Her worried look and tone of voice were not lost on Lanny.
“I have an idea,” the boy said. “Let’s call Uncle Rocky. I bet he’d come out and help in a flash.” Rocky Donovan, or “Uncle Rocky,” as everyone called the gravelly-voiced man, was the Wyatt-Marlton family’s friend, cook, and houseman. He and Dr. Wyatt were long-time friends, having met at one of Dr. Wyatt’s archaeological excavation sites. Uncle Rocky had been employed by the twins’ parents a few years before the two kids were born.
Aunt Maisie’s fork stopped in midair. “A man? In my kitchen? No, thank you.”
“But Uncle Rocky is the best chow jockey this side of the Rockies,” Moki replied.
“And he’s a sweet, charming teddy bear who always insists on a spotless kitchen after cooking,” Lexi added. “You’re gonna love him.” She left out the part about him liking an occasional cigar.
From Chapter 10, “The Phantom Rides Again”
The six older kids were given permission to stay up a bit later, so they could do some cooking. After cleaning up the kitchen, they were ready to head to bed.
A few minutes before ten o’clock, the [six detectives] headed for the back porch door, having decided to go to the bunkhouse by way of the backyard. No sooner had Ben switched off the kitchen lights when the kids heard what sounded like a horse approaching from a distance. Approaching thunderously.
“That’s the sound I heard before,” Ben whispered, careful not to mention the Phantom Rider in front of Gracie. But it didn’t matter now.
“Gracie, stop!” he shouted, reaching to keep her from opening the screen door. It was too late.