Dear Kids and All Readers,
Those of you who have ever lost a beloved pet will likely understand my blog today.
As I grieve my precious dog Jimmy Lambchop’s passing on March 23, I am even more appreciative of the kindness of friends at this time.
Recently in the mail arrived a wonderful gift and card from my childhood friend Lorie, who dog-sat for me on many occasions over the six years I had my boy. It is a loving memento with Lorie’s photos on both sides of each of the six paper hearts on a yarn string, which I’m displaying on my bookcase.
In the card, Lorie said, “These hearts are your reminder of all the love you received from Jimmy.”
I can’t thank Lorie enough for her time and talent in making this beautiful, sweet gift that I will cherish always.
So, get a clue, Readers. Please give your pets extra love daily. Enjoy every moment you have with them.