A Sweet Gift

Dear Kids and All Readers, Those of you who have ever lost a beloved pet will likely understand my blog today. As I grieve my precious dog Jimmy Lambchop’s passing on March 23, I am even more appreciative of the kindness of friends at this time. Recently in the mail arrived a wonderful gift and…

Making Progress

Hello, Kids and All Readers, If you read my blogs or my March 31st newsletter, you know that on March 23, my sweet dog, Jimmy Lambchop, passed away. It’s been two weeks and one day since that horrible event. Those of you who have lost a beloved pet know what I’m experiencing: the too-quiet house,…

Doggone Heartache

Hello, All Readers and Fans of my dog Jimmy Lambchop’s blog, which appears in my monthly newsletter. It is with deep sorrow I report that the love of my life, my poodle-bichon sweetie Jimmy Lambchop, passed away yesterday.  He fought hard but couldn’t overcome complications from his major, emergency surgery that took place on March…


Hello, All Readers and Dog Lovers, I have my precious dog Jimmy Lambchop home with me now. Lucky us! Last Thursday, he had major, emergency surgery. Complications arose, delaying his discharge until yesterday. Here he is, comfortably resting in one of his favorite places in the house. He will probably tell you all about his…

Pet Project

Dear Readers and Animal Lovers, Recently, my sweet dog, Jimmy Lambchop, got a predawn dash to the animal emergency hospital. He’s home now and doing well, mostly recovered from an allergic reaction to some flea prevention meds. His seizures caused me to pack him into my car in the wee hours that scary morning. While Jimmy…