Dear Kids and Other Readers,
Now that the front cover of Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets is finished (yay!), my Cover Reveal date has been set for November 1, and I’ve hired two book promoters, it’s time for me to start planning and purchasing BOOK SWAG.
So what’s book swag, you ask? Book swag includes any useful, memorable object directly related to my book for giveaways. The purpose of book swag it to create buzz about my book, to help build readership, and to bag a long-lasting fan base. These giveaways can be rewards for purchasing my book online through my website or other markets, or just to say hi and thanks at book festivals, school visits, libraries, or book signings.
I’ve been busy collecting ideas for my particular book swag since it has to appeal to kids, ages 9-12. Some ideas so far include detective badges, buttons with the cover image, the Botanic Hill Detectives logo on stickers and/or t-shirts, carry-all bags, bookmarks, pens, pencils, notepads, key rings, magnets, mini flashlights, tiny magnifying glasses, bubbles, crayons, rubber cobras (the story is crawling with snakes!), piggy banks, temporary tattoos, postcards, and even book excerpts on necklaces.
Here’s where you come in: What kind of book swag would appeal to you, kids, or readers who are still kids at heart? So get a clue and send me your book swag ideas by contacting me through this newsletter or via my website at I look forward to your ideas!