From Shakespeare to Hip Hop: The Evolution of “Swag”

Dear Readers and Verbivores, Lately, I have spent considerable time (and $$$) purchasing swag to help promote my book, Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets. Loving words as I do, I started wondering about the origin of the word “swag.” Swag as a word has a fascinating history. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and/or, the word has been…

In a Comma Coma

Dear Readers, Writers, and Grammar Police Officers, I have spent the last week poring over my formatted copy of Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets for the second time. (This doesn’t count the 100 times before formatting.) My goal is to catch every error I can so the public doesn’t have to. To my horror, I have found…


Dear Readers, It’s September–that time of year when my mind naturally wanders to BB&B. No, not “Bed, Bath, & Beyond”! And also not “Better Bed and Breakfast.” I’m talking, of course, about Bulletin Boards and Books. Regarding the first two Bs: Every September since I retired from teaching in 2013, I reflect on how as…

Sari . . . or Not?

Dear Readers, It’s time to meet the fourth and last–but not least–of the Botanic Hill Detectives, thirteen-year-old Rani Kumar! Rani moved to Las Palmitas, California, from her native India when she was five years old. Her father, Devi Kumar, is a professor of geology at the local university. Her mother, Gajara Kumar, is an airline manager…


Dear Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian Readers, Welcome to Hawai’i! Well, not quite. More like, say aloha to our pure-blooded Hawaiian character, the third Botanic Hill Detective, thirteen-year-old Moki Kalani! Moki is the comedian of the squad and usually wears a Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops. His intelligence and laid-back nature give him the ability to see the humorous…

Twin Talk

Dear Readers, How about a sneak peek at two of Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets’ four, thirteen-year-old detectives? Meet Lanyon “Lanny” Wyatt and Alexia “Lexi” Wyatt, brother and sister twins. Lexi thinks that Lanny is a “brainiac,” which he is. His ability to reason through situations, staying cool and on task, and having loads of confidence have…