Missing Daddy

Dear Readers, Today, June 23, 2022, is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my father’s passing. I am especially missing him today. My dad, Donald Johns, was born and raised in North Dakota in a little farming town called Wing, near Bismarck. The northern winters aggravated his asthma so badly, he missed much school. So, in 1930,…

Up Your Tea Total!

Dear Readers and Tea Drinkers, If you’re like me, you probably enjoy settling down with a good book and a hot cup of tea. So, when I ran across this eye-opening article yesterday entitled “Nine Reasons Why You Should Stop Throwing Away Used Tea Bags,” I just had to share it. (By Mary Tomlinson, June…

Good Becomes Greater

Dear Kids and All Readers, Are you altruistic? Kids, in case that’s a new word for you, please allow me to become Lanny the Lexicon for a moment and define it for you: Altruism (noun) means being generous; volunteering; helping others–one or more people, animals, or organizations–without expecting anything in return. Altruism is a good deed…