Twin Talk

Dear Readers, How about a sneak peek at two of Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets’ four, thirteen-year-old detectives? Meet Lanyon “Lanny” Wyatt and Alexia “Lexi” Wyatt, brother and sister twins. Lexi thinks that Lanny is a “brainiac,” which he is. His ability to reason through situations, staying cool and on task, and having loads of confidence have…

Pet Project

Dear Readers and Animal Lovers, Recently, my sweet dog, Jimmy Lambchop, got a predawn dash to the animal emergency hospital. He’s home now and doing well, mostly recovered from an allergic reaction to some flea prevention meds. His seizures caused me to pack him into my car in the wee hours that scary morning. While Jimmy…

Party Redux

Dear Kids and Other Readers, I recently hosted a party. My house literally overflowed with an abundance of friends and neighbors. I am truly blessed to have these people in my life! That event reminded me that I need to plan another celebration, this time, for February–my long-anticipated Book Launch Party! Such a party is where…

Swag and Bag

Dear Kids and Other Readers, Now that the front cover of Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets is finished (yay!), my Cover Reveal date has been set for November 1, and I’ve hired two book promoters, it’s time for me to start planning and purchasing BOOK SWAG. So what’s book swag, you ask? Book swag includes any useful,…


Hello, Readers, I’ve been very busy since summer began hiring book promoters, making final revisions to Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets so the manuscript can go to the formatter, and having an official author photo taken. (I’m not really complaining. I’m lucky!) Sometimes, when I get too caught up in the have-to-do’s, or if I’ve hit a…

“Red, White, and a Blue Sedan”

Dear Kids and Other Readers, Given that I’m posting this blog on my website on the Fourth of July, it seems timely that I finally share some excerpts from Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets. In Chapter 14, entitled, “Red, White, and a Blue Sedan,” the USA’s Independence Day is discussed. Well, mentioned. Okay, I’m stretching it,…

Spotlight on Brightly

Dear Kids, Family Members, and Teachers, Please check out this terrific website for kids’ books called Read Brightly. Log on at So get a clue, Readers, and investigate these tabs on the site: The first is “Ages and Stages” where you can peruse reading lists for ages 0-13+. The second is “Popular Topics,” such…

Suspenseful Cover-up

Dear Readers of All Ages,

Drum roll, please–Nutmeg Street: Egyptian Secrets now officially has a front cover! It’s stunning…but I can’t release it yet. Awww, shucks!

So get a clue, Readers, and watch on November 1st for the great Cover Reveal. Then, please weigh in with your comments.

Summer is Simmering–Finally!

Dear Readers, San Diego gets socked in each spring with a thick Pacific marine layer, a.k.a., “May Gray” and “June Gloom.” But, yay! It’s finally burning off. Off came the patio furniture covers and winter blankets; away went the black walking coat; out came sundresses and sandals. So get a clue, adults. Join your kids…