Up Your Tea Total!

Dear Readers and Tea Drinkers, If you’re like me, you probably enjoy settling down with a good book and a hot cup of tea. So, when I ran across this eye-opening article yesterday entitled “Nine Reasons Why You Should Stop Throwing Away Used Tea Bags,” I just had to share it. (By Mary Tomlinson, June…

Good Becomes Greater

Dear Kids and All Readers, Are you altruistic? Kids, in case that’s a new word for you, please allow me to become Lanny the Lexicon for a moment and define it for you: Altruism (noun) means being generous; volunteering; helping others–one or more people, animals, or organizations–without expecting anything in return. Altruism is a good deed…

A Sweet Gift

Dear Kids and All Readers, Those of you who have ever lost a beloved pet will likely understand my blog today. As I grieve my precious dog Jimmy Lambchop’s passing on March 23, I am even more appreciative of the kindness of friends at this time. Recently in the mail arrived a wonderful gift and…