Keeper Habit #3

Here is the third installment of my Post-Pandemic Keeper Habits. Last time, I discussed “Practice Ethical Actions and Random Acts of Kindness.” Here comes Number Three: 3. Revamp the Exercise Routine. I used to go to the Y twice weekly for yoga, strength training, and cardio. Then, it shuttered. Undaunted, though it took me a while…

Keeper Habit #2

Dear Readers, Here is the second installment of my Post-Pandemic Keeper Habits. Last time, I discussed “Making Do.” Here is Number Two: 2. Practice Ethical Actions and Random Acts of Kindness. I’m a bleeding heart. For me, it’s incurable, but that’s fine. I had just released my first book right before the Lock Down occurred last…

Keeper Habit #1

Dear Readers, All of us have spent over a year now dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in our own ways. Perhaps like me, you have watched others—from a safe distance—in order to gauge how they have coped compared with yourself. I know I have learned some new, beneficial habits from admirable neighbors, family, and friends.…