Book 3–Chapters 15 & 16 Excerpts

From Chapter 15, “A Colorful Ghost Town”   The promise of severe rainstorms prevented the six detectives from exploring the mountains where Lexi and Ben had seen the lights the night before from the campgrounds. Instead, they decided to check out the ghost town Rainbow Flats. As they approached the windswept, deserted town, they spied the…

Book 3–Chapters 13 & 14 Excerpts

Welcome back, Readers! Here are two more excerpts from Walnut Street: Phantom Rider as we anticipated the book’s release on November 9, 2021. I hope you enjoy these.   From Chapter 13, “Meow!”  Everyone is ready to head to the campgrounds for the night’s sleepover. But Lionel forgot something and has permission from Mrs. Mayfield…

Book 3–Chapters 11 & 12 Excerpts

Hi, Readers, These chapter excerpts continue our march toward the November 9th release of Walnut Street: Phantom Rider. I hope you’re enjoying them!   From Chapter 11, “A Rough Start” The next morning, after a rough start but a delicious breakfast, the saddle club kids left for the horse arena. The six detectives were about…

Book 3–Chapters 3 & 4 Excerpts

Hello, Kids and All Readers, Anticipating the November 9 release of Walnut Street: Phantom Rider, I am continuing to share excerpts from two chapters every Thursday via my weekly News Blog ( As a preview of coming attractions this fall, here are some scenes from Chapters 3 and 4:   From Chapter 3, “The Phantom Rider”  …