Excerpts: Chapters 13 and 14
Dear Readers,
We are getting closer and closer to the October 20, 2020, launch of Eucalyptus Street: Egyptian Secrets!
I continue the excerpts to whet your appetite:
From Chapter 13, “What Sooty Walls Reveal”
While exploring for lions, the two girls end up in Isabela’s bedroom. A fireplace panel has just slid open, and an intruder is emerging:
[Lexi and Rani] weren’t ones to shrink from a chance to capture an intruder. Just as quickly as they shrieked, they bounded toward the fireplace to tackle the figure entering the room. Oso also jumped at him, and the intruder screamed, throwing his arms up.
From Chapter 14, “Blueprints and Perches”
Some dusty secret passages have been discovered. The detectives, Isabela, and her brother, Tomás, have entered one to investigate:
“Wow. Look at all the footprints. And what’s this?” Lanny asked. He bent down and picked up a rectangular, metal object and soon recognized it as an old portable cassette recorder. “Hmm, I’ll bet the intruder’s been recording what’s been said in the living room, but we can’t know for sure since the cassette is missing.” The others gathered around to inspect the device.
“Well, that’s possible according to the blueprints. The living room is right on the other side of this wall,” Tomás said. Lanny scrunched up his nose.
Isabela raised her hand to her mouth in shock. “Then the person might have heard me read the puzzle poem that first night when we also heard the footsteps upstairs.”