Hello, Kids and Other Readers,
Recently, I talked about how we are living in an unusual time with staying home and social distancing to be safe. We can use this problem for the good. I call it being Lemonade Heroes.
So while you’re taking lots of lemons and making sweet lemonade in the form of good deeds and having a generous spirit, consider trying this system to show others that you care all the time. I call it, “Check in with the Squares.”
To start, take a sheet of notebook paper or printer paper. Fold it in half three times so that when you unfold it, you have eight squares or rectangles.
Next, write “Every Day” in one of the top squares. Then, label each of the rest with a day of the week. (See photo sample.)
Then, write down the names of people whom you will make an effort to contact each one of those days to check in, to see how they’re doing, or just to say hi. Think hard. Don’t leave anyone out! For instance some people, like your grandparents and your BFF, you might want to contact daily. Others, like your classmates, you might feel the need to contact once a week only. Others, like your teachers or elderly neighbors, maybe twice a week. I left parents out since you are probably with one or more of them every day. If not, add them. Of course, you know your friends and family better than I do, so adapt this system to work for yourself and others. You get to decide.
Now, here comes the fun, caring part! Follow through with a text, email, personal message, or good old-fashioned phone call or written note to each person in the square on that particular day, plus your “Every Day” list. Repeat next week and for as long as you want or feel the need.
So get a clue, Everyone. This system can work whether you’re a child or an adult. And there will be many people out there who will know they can count on you, a Lemonade Hero, to care about them. And you’ll get a good feeling knowing that you are doing your part to help.