Excerpts: Chapters 19 and 20

Hello, Readers!

Are you getting as excited as I am about October 20? What’s happening that day??? The release of Book 2, Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse.

Below, you will find the latest excerpts. They include one of my favorite chapters, #20, “Lantern in the Churchyard.” I hope you enjoy these!


From Chapter 19, “Aunt Connie Assists”

Isabela has invited the twins’ aunt Connie to dinner. The detectives share information with her about their case. Connie shares photos she took at the ARC gemstone preview party. One photo in particular catches everyone’s attention:

“And here’s one with some guests in the photo, but one person looks fuzzy,” Rani said. “See? She’s in the background. It definitely distracted me from the rest of the shot.” Rani pointed to a figure wearing something glittery and black by the dessert buffet.

“Yeah. It looks like a caterer photobombed the shot, Auntie C,” Lexi said.

“Yes, I noticed that, too,” said Aunt Connie. “Good eyes, you two. Scratch that photo.”

But something had caught Isabela’s eye. “May I see that, please?” Connie handed her the photo. Isabela’s smile slowly faded and her eyebrows knitted together more intensely the longer she stared at it.

“What’s wrong, sis?” Tomás’s attention shifted to the figure as well.


From Chapter 20, “Lantern in the Churchyard”

Lexi is awakened at two a.m. by an unlatched bedroom window banging in the wind. She has just closed it and is about to return to bed when:

Lexi . . . became transfixed by something she saw out the troublesome window. At the far western edge of the estate grounds, there appeared a light that seemed to be bobbing, then pulsing on and off. Lexi squinted her eyes to aid her focus.

“What’s going on?” Rani asked a moment later. She propped herself up on her elbows.

“There’s a twinkling light out there. Come see for yourself.” Lexi beckoned to Rani with both hands. “Hurry up, before it’s gone.”

Rani scrambled out of bed and joined Lexi in gazing in the direction her friend was pointing. Both girls watched as the light moved first one direction, then the other.

Rani craned her neck for a better view. “Creepy. What part of the garden is that?”

“I hope I’m wrong, but I think that’s the churchyard at St. Barnabas Cathedral.”

The girls stared at each other wide-eyed as Lexi squeezed Rani’s forearm.

Excerpts: Chapters 17 and 18

Dear Readers, I am continuing the march through Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse via weekly excerpts in anticipation of the book’s October 20, 2020, release.

I hope you enjoy these!


From Chapter 17, “Handy Work Above”

The group divides up to look for particular images to solve another stanza of the Puzzle Poem. Isabela and the girls are on the third floor, each exploring two rooms:

. . . Rani had almost completed her search of the office and guest bedroom. Still no calls from the other two, so she was about to give up hope of any of them having good luck. But luck changed. When she pushed aside the last sheet-draped work of art, she saw what they had been looking for.


From Chapter 18, “Up the Attic Stairs”

The detectives, Isabela, and Tomás make a major discovery in the attic:

The picture stubbornly clung to the wall, and nothing budged. Moki let out his frustration by saying some words in Hawaiian that no one asked to be translated. Apparently, they fueled his desire to succeed.

A moment later, a slight creaking sound was heard. Moki and Lexi stumbled backward as the entire wall panel released. It was hinged on the inside. Isabela gasped again, and everyone’s mouths dropped open.

But they weren’t shocked by the massive door.

They were shocked by what was beyond it.

Excerpts: Chapters 15 and 16

Dear Readers, more excerpts for you from Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse!

So get a clue: Watch for my Botanic Hill Detectives Book 2 to launch on October 20, 2020.


From Chapter 15, “The Secret Room”

A major discovery has been made, thanks to the group’s hard work deciphering Stanza 3 of the Puzzle Poem. Lanny says:

“ . . . this new discovery seems to show that we are definitely on a treasure hunt all over the estate. But we’ve done a lot of work today, and dinner will be ready soon. I suspect Ms. de Cordoba will want us to wait until tomorrow morning to tackle the fourth stanza and to continue to explore the passages.”

“Well, if we have to wait . . .” Lexi said.

But Lanny hadn’t really convinced himself about delaying, not even for dinner.


From Chapter 16, “Exploring in the Dark”

Lanny is awakened at four a.m. by the sound of footsteps coming from the room overhead. He and Moki head to the third floor to explore:

Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Lanny pointed to the door of the suspected room and flashed Moki an A-OK sign. They turned off their flashlights, noticing the room’s door was slightly ajar, and listened for any sounds. Nothing but the mournful “who-who” sound of the resident barn owl in the old magnolia tree outside. They waited two more minutes, shivering and wishing they hadn’t forgotten their bathrobes and slippers. Still no sounds came from the room. Even the owl became silent. Moki felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

Finally, Lanny pushed the door open slightly and slipped into the room. Moki followed.

Excerpts: Chapters 13 and 14

Dear Readers,

We are getting closer and closer to the October 20, 2020, launch of Eucalyptus Street: Egyptian Secrets!

I continue the excerpts to whet your appetite:


From Chapter 13, “What Sooty Walls Reveal”

While exploring for lions, the two girls end up in Isabela’s bedroom. A fireplace panel has just slid open, and an intruder is emerging:

[Lexi and Rani] weren’t ones to shrink from a chance to capture an intruder. Just as quickly as they shrieked, they bounded toward the fireplace to tackle the figure entering the room. Oso also jumped at him, and the intruder screamed, throwing his arms up.


From Chapter 14, “Blueprints and Perches”

Some dusty secret passages have been discovered. The detectives, Isabela, and her brother, Tomás, have entered one to investigate:

“Wow. Look at all the footprints. And what’s this?” Lanny asked. He bent down and picked up a rectangular, metal object and soon recognized it as an old portable cassette recorder. “Hmm, I’ll bet the intruder’s been recording what’s been said in the living room, but we can’t know for sure since the cassette is missing.” The others gathered around to inspect the device.

“Well, that’s possible according to the blueprints. The living room is right on the other side of this wall,” Tomás said. Lanny scrunched up his nose.

Isabela raised her hand to her mouth in shock. “Then the person might have heard me read the puzzle poem that first night when we also heard the footsteps upstairs.”

Excerpts: Chapters 11 and 12

Hello, Dear Readers!

As we approach the launch of Book 2, Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse, on October 20, I am continuing the excerpts, in chapter order, for you.

So, get a clue, Readers. I hope you enjoy these ongoing tidbits!


From Chapter 11, “Down the Cellar Steps”

Moki, one of the detectives, asks Isabela about Madame Ronescu, Isabela’s casita renter visiting from Romania:

“I’m just happy we haven’t had any more strange noises or footsteps since the other night. Those unnerve me.” Goosebumps rose on [Isabela’s] arms.

“Speaking of unnerving,” Moki said, “has anyone seen Madame Ronescu lately?”

“I saw her yesterday afternoon while you kids were gone, and I was in the garden,” Isabela said. “Madame was apparently returning from some errands because she was carrying a large shopping bag. She took a short-cut through the cathedral churchyard. I saw her walking past the area near the crushed daisies.”

“Broad daylight, Moki,” Lexi said quietly with a smirk. “Convinced now she isn’t a vampire?”


From Chapter 12, “Going on a Lion Hunt”

The detectives are following up on a clue pertaining to “lions on moonlit perches” from the Puzzle Poem. Lanny has a plan:

[Lanny says], “. . . we’re going on a lion hunt all over the house and grounds to see if we can find lions on some kind of ‘moonlit perches.’” . . .

[Isabela says], “Well, there certainly are a number of lions on the estate in the forms of statues, tiles, and paintings. They’re the symbol of my great-grandparents’ favorite movie studio, so they added them to the décor of the house. I don’t have a clue about the ‘moonlit perches,’ though.” . . .

Lanny [says], “. . . we have to use our time wisely–and not only because of the intruder. Don’t forget that we also have a case at the ARC. So, Moki, let’s get busy. How about if you and I scout around outdoors? Would you girls be okay with starting on the first floor? If you have time, head to the second floor. When Moki and I finish out here, we can take the third floor.”

Excerpts: Chapters 9 and 10

Dear Readers Anticipating Book 2,

Here you go! The next set of excerpts in chapter order for Eucalyptus Street: Green Curse.

So, get a clue, Readers. Book 2 launches on Amazon on October 20 in paperback and eBook. The eBook will be available on additional platforms that day, including Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Kobo, and Google Play Books. The paperback will become available by order from indie stores in November. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these sneak-peeks at my forthcoming book!


From Chapter 9, “Churchyard on the Third Floor”

Lexi is reporting about a call she just received from her mother. Dr. Abbott is the director of the Antiquities Research Collective:

“. . . Mom was just reminding us that Aunt Connie arrives late this afternoon from Washington, D.C.”

Lexi had already explained to Isabela about the twins’ aunt, Connie Marlton, a photojournalist with the International Geographic Institute. Dr. Abbott had hired her to photograph his new ARC exhibit, “Gemstones of Antiquity,” which would open to the public the next day.

“We’re all supposed to go there tonight for the special preview reception. You’re invited too, Ms. de Cordoba. Mom also said Bruce wants us four kids to come over today if possible to catch up on some lessons.”


From Chapter 10, “Gemstones of Antiquity”

Some of the ancient gemstones have been stolen. Dr. Abbott has hired the detectives to investigate. They are at the preview party at the Antiquities Research Collective (ARC). Lanny, the head detective, is asking Dr. Abbott a question:

“Dr. Abbott, do the media or other ARC employees know about the missing gemstones?”

“No, not yet, Lanyon,” the director whispered. He seldom used the twins’ nicknames. “The police think it best to keep that news quiet until their investigation is further along.”

“Which stones are missing, and how did you discover the theft?” Lexi whispered back.

“Well, Alexia, Mr. Dayton has a tally sheet of the stones. He discovered this morning the numbers didn’t add up during his count. There are ten missing. As to which stones, let’s go over to the display case, and we’ll show you where they were.”